Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 27, 2008

I've been working on updating the layout of the Kal-el's website. Having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to integrate the whole youtube thing, but it's coming. This weekend has been totally packed with the little man. We ran, we dug in the dirt, played with trucks. Did alot of chasing each other with puppets and stuffed snakes. Kal did slam his forhead against the handle of the oven last night. I saw the whole thing and it was pretty harsh. I would have cried too. We have pretty much turned the garage into a little club house. The little one loves to throw his body onto a giant pile of pillows and blankets. It's pretty funny. It's sunday night and I am exhausted. I have never know exhuastion until the day I became a father.

I started singing "the wheels on the bus". Kal loved it. He started dancing and wanted me to sing it over and over again.

KAL is now counting 1-2 all the time. Also saying zebra, out, up, in, gidily, pooh, apple (appy), water (waty), yes(yeth) abcd, binky, eat, daddy, mommy, sing.

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